muji's apple soda -$2.00 refreshing!friends...
friends that i havent seen for a long time.
friends that i havent talked to for a while.
friends that jus turned 21.
friend that sabotaged me and everything i hold dear and still doesent realize the damge he's done.
friends that ill miss.
ah friend the word's too lightly used...
roger and bernard whom i havent seen and talked to for some time... rogers birthday party yesterday... he's got truckload of friends... he actually wanted me to get to noe his frnds...? weird... hows that possible...? ah but he's cool and sincere and a good frnd to hav... (ness if ur reading this it goes for u too!)
kinda envy him and peeps alike... hes got really good parents! both of em! wow... and lots of frnds too. ahh but atleast ive got one =D best mom in the world
bernard... haha we went through lots together. most impressionable was the camp we setup. 3 of us, my cousin bern and me! it was like peeps dint really want a youth church camp so nobody wanted to help out. but we believed there shld'ave been on every year. so we planned and runned the camp. twas really fun... and i wld remember all the time we took time out of our 'n levels' studies to do the camp... cycling, pasteing treasure hunt notes all over east coast, eating bk after that while planning the admins. yup good times =D
my good frnds haish! and then there are the...
hes been through some tuff times wif me too. but well thing jus got sour... sux u noe? like u though the best of ur friend and then this.
this frnd stuck by when no one believed we cld built a raft at ubin in one day... 3 of us... ubin... two nights... we built a raft that worked! jus that it dint hav enuff bouyancy to carry all 3 of us plus belongings... but we were mighty proud when we paddled it arnd the shore in front of the strine... yup real accomplishment and i still hav the oar we used for that one... haish... but this time he really got me in a fix... its work ethics vs frndship! how am i to pick!
arggg bad desicions!
so my frnd is workin now... on attachment. he asks me to do some work for him at the last hour and offered to pay me freelance wages... how am i to take money from a frnd? how? infact a job like his wld cost arnd 100 bucks per piece excluding extras. and i noe its a crazy amt to get frm a frnd whos only wages come frm attachment. (here in singapore they pay students pukes for internships.) and i noe he'll have it hard if he doesnt hav enuff to show for his presentation commin up in the nx 6hrs. so i made a him deal: that ill do 2 of the 5 pieces that he had to present and that he'ld find me a part time job and buy me lunch... well all seemed fine until he told me he was offically doing all this design work for FREE! madness i mean this is a killer on so manny levels!
1. ppl r gonna think: ah! design and designers are cheap we done need to pay for pple giving us ideas. and if that think like that the profession of design is in jerpordy... madness!!! i mean if u consult a doc uld pay him consultation fees so y the diff wif designers? or if u hire an accountant for his services wont u pay him? and are designers any different? we do a service and we expected to be paid! whether we are good at wat we do or not! ofcoures designers ought to be responsible but u dont go to a doc and ask him if he grad wif honnors of jus scraped thro wif grade "D"s do u?
2. since i have made some layouts for him and most unfortunately one of my ideas was picked... and since my frnd is offically not being paid for his work or works submitted under him, the peeps he's working for effectively get my design work for free. pple are gonna think: oh! we cld ask edwin to do graphic layouts for free! man! and if i asked for cash peeps wld be like : u do jobs for free so i dun expaect u to be asking for much or even worst or anything at all! well im not saying im superb, but since u wont ask a doc how well he did in sch b4 ya pay him, i think i sld be paid a market price when i get the job done. and so shld any of u designers out there.
3. hes design career is in jepordy too... but thats his ball game i shant go into that...
4. as the state of appreciation for the design pratice is seen still widely seen as a practice that doesent affect the way things are done, things like this is only gonna make the situation worst... i mean the boss of my frnd prolly thinks that the design of his advertising media is only needed to inform pple that their company exist. however this advertising media if done well, could attract attentions and leave impressions. which would effectively increase sales. yes and that is done by the power of design. futhermore these bosses think that they noe better than the designer - after all they orderded my frnd arnd, changing his/my planned layouts to their prefered config. oh man! and since the state of respect, which my frnd has given these bosses, of design its no wonder they think they can also do design... after all its free.
understand that im really mad at this frnd of mine since he apologized not, nor did he offer to right wat he did wrong. he barely told me he had no choice and make any comments when i tried to explained this situation to him (yes in a most infuriated way). i still wondwer if he understands the full and rippleing effects his actions cld cause. he prolly doesnt wanna do design when he grads anyway. haish. but ill trust my Jesus who has came through for me over and over again.
well these are the frnds ive encountered this wk... oh man! bitter sweet.
my jesus never sabotages