Saturday, July 26, 2003

hill street beef noodles (now outside my school!) -$3.00

Pick the day you were born on to see what kind of fart you are.

1-AMBITIOUS Always ready for a fart.

2-LAZY Just fizzles

3-AMIABLE Likes to smell others farts.

4-SELFISH Only enjoys smelling his own farts.

5-CARELESS Farts in church.

6-SMART ALEC Farts when ladies are present.

7-CLEVER Farts and coughs at same time.

8-SCIENTIFIC Bottles his farts.

9-STINGY Belches instead of farting to save his asshole.

10-FOOLISH Farts and laughs.

11-SHY Blushes even when he farts silently.

12-CONCIETED Thinks he can fart loudest.

13-UNLUCKY Tries to fart and shits pants.

14-TIMID Jumps when he farts.

15-BEWILDERED can't tell his own farts from others.

16-SLOVENLY Farts and fizzles, rots his pants.

17-NERVOUS Stops in middle of fart.

18-MISERABLE Can't fart

19-CONFUSED Face looks so much like ass, Farts don't know where to go.

20-GROUCH Grumbles when ladies fart.

21-SNEAKY Farts and blames it on the dog.

22-DISAPPOINTED Their farts dont stink.

23-FRESH GUY Jumps in front of you and farts.

24-BIG BULLY Farts louder than everyone else.

25-DELUDED Enjoys all farts thinking they are his.

26-CUTE Discovers from farts what others have eaten.

27-WISE Farts and say's "Who in hell shit ??"

28-DAMNED MEAN Farts in bed and pulls covers over wife's head.

29-MUSICAL Tenor or bass Clear as a bell Smells like shit Sounds like hell

30-HONEST Farts and blames in on the hostess.

31-LIVELY GUY Jumps in air, farts three times, kicks like hell simultaneously.


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