Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Tanglin bake shop, 5 piece plain pita -$3.60

ez-link is evil, yes evil.

watched the news at 6:30pm today, reports of the ez-link system bringing troubles for the poorer folk and its new schemes for "convenience" sake.

i feel that as the small country that singapore is, its ridiculous that public transport cost so much. while marketing principles might justify the hike in public transport fares, it is irresponsible to allow for these prices to sky rocket...

tv reports now say that bus fares are growing too costly for low income commuters who work a long distance frm home. seriously, is singapore that huge? i mean in countries of greater scales this is unheard of and infact, common. im not sure how marketing principles of demand and availibility works, but maybe, maybe the reason that traveling a short distance in singapore cost more than traveling a longer distance in a larger country, is size.

however the cost of fares is not the problem of concern. it is the ability to travel arnd this island, in which we happened to be born in, that needs some evaluating...

i remember in my first year of design studies, my class was questioned as to how many places in singapore we hav visited. the majority of us knew only orchard/town and the areas arnd our school and home. many of us treat the other side of the country as a land of oblivion. it now leaves me to wonder if it was the arduously priced bus fares and the inaccesibility of less frequented zones that lead to such a demaning result.

note: traveling encompasses experiencing our surroundings and the observing of differences from one place to another. these feed our ability to imagine, which in turn brings forth innovation and creativity. suffice to say, traveling is a crutial aspect of education/learning. and the lack of "creativity" quotent in singapore students cld hav travel, or the lack of it, as one of the main causes.

market demands bring high transport fares, which in turn lead to students not traveling and thus the limitations in imagination and creativity. simulating this, maybe one the causes of students being dull when it comes to learning from outside of the text book or outside of sch's structured systems is the inconvenience in traveling abt the island.

possibily, the inability to be creative is the adverse effect of the market driven demands in singapore's society.

having said that, i state again, ez-link is evil.

hav u visited a remote location this year?

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